One of the most commonly discussed topics in haircare is how often a person should shampoo. Many people, and especially many men, tend to shampoo their hair every single day. This may be especially common for those who find their hair becoming oily or greasy quickly.

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Why You May Want To Shampoo Less Often

However, this belief is not entirely accurate; in fact, you should not shampoo your hair every day. Even if it is greasy or oily after a day of not washing. You might actually be doing more harm than good. Shampooing too frequently can damage your scalp and strip away vital oils that keep it healthy and in turn produce even more oil.

Here's why...

Shampooing your hair every day can be highly damaging to its health and may even cause more oil production. In actuality, the use of shampoo should be limited to a couple of times per week at most. This is because excessive shampooing strips away natural oils that keep the scalp healthy, which in turn causes an increase in sebum production and thus an even more oily scalp.

In addition, shampooing your hair too frequently can lead to dryness and breakage due to the harsh chemicals found in many popular shampoos. To avoid such damage, look for natural and gentle shampoos that are free from harsh ingredients like sulfates, and parabens.

When shampooing your hair, it's important to note that you should only use a small amount of product and concentrate on cleansing the scalp rather than the strands themselves. Also, make sure to rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to ensure that all traces of soap are gone.

So How Often Should You Shampoo?

The exact number of times you should shampoo each week depends on the type of hair you have, but generally speaking, two to three times a week is sufficient for most people. If your scalp does become greasy or oily quickly, try a dry shampoo between washes instead. This will help absorb excess oil and keep your hair looking fresh and clean. It is also important to choose the right kind of shampoo for your hair type. There are shampoos specifically designed for different hair types—such as oily or dry scalp—so make sure to find one that works best for you. Also, check your water, if you have hard water then a shampoo specifically designed to work with hard water may be your best solution.  Additionally, make sure to use a conditioner after each wash; this will help keep your hair hydrated and nourished.

But, What If Your Hair Is Really Oily?

First try to avoid touching your hair throughout the day, as this can transfer oils from your skin to your hair. Secondly, a little dry shampoo or spray-on powder designed for oily hair to absorb excess oils in between washes can be a great solution as your scalp re-adjusts to less frequent washes. Additionally, using a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to remove buildup from styling products and hard water will help to thoroughly cleanse your scalp. Lastly, make sure to a gentler shampoo that doesn't contain sulfates, which can strip natural oils from hair and cause overproduction of oil.

What About Natural Ways to Reduce and Oily Scalp?

If you continue to struggle to go more than a day without washing, there are there are several natural ways to reduce an oily scalp you can try as well. One effective method is to use apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse. Mix together equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar, apply it to your scalp after shampooing, and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out. This will help to remove excess oil and balance the pH of your scalp.

Another natural remedy is to use witch hazel as a toner on your scalp. Witch hazel has astringent properties that can help to tighten pores and reduce oil production.

You can also try using tea tree oil as a scalp treatment. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil, apply it to your scalp, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before washing it out with shampoo. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that can help to unclog hair follicles and reduce oiliness. There are several good quality tea tree shampoos available now as well that can be used to reduce oily scalp, calm inflammation, and moisturize the scalp.

So What Next...

To wrap up, men with oily hair should really think twice before shampooing every day. It can be tempting to just keep reaching for the bottle whenever you take a shower, but the consequences won’t be worth it in the long run.

Shampooing every day will strip your hair of its natural oils and make it weigh heavy, leading to limpness and an unattractive texture. As counterintuitive as it may sound, not shampooing everyday will actually help keep your hair from getting too greasy.

Plus, if you understand the science behind how oil and sebum interacts with each other, you’ll be better equipped to knows which shampoos are good for keeping your scalp clean while also preventing excess oil buildup.

In short, remember that moderation is key when you wash your hair. Try not to overdo it and instead pay attention to what works best for you and your own unique circumstances.

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