We've all been there before. You're standing in the shampoo aisle at your local drugstore, trying to decide which product is going to be best for your hair. On one hand, you have the salon-branded shampoo and conditioner that's a bit more expensive. On the other hand, you have the drugstore options that are more budget-friendly. So which should you choose? Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make a decision.

Salon Shampoo and Conditioner

The biggest advantage of salon shampoo and conditioner is that it's formulated to meet the unique needs of your hair type. Whether you have dry, damaged hair, permed hair, oily hair, bleached hair or anything in between, there's a salon formula that's designed specifically for you. In addition, salon products are usually made with higher-quality ingredients than drugstore products, which means they can be more effective at cleansing and conditioning your hair.

However, there are also some downsides to using salon shampoo and conditioner. For one thing, it can be quite expensive—especially if you're using it on a daily basis. In addition, salon products often come in much larger sizes than drugstore varieties, which can be inconvenient if you're traveling or trying to save space in your shower.

Drugstore Shampoo and Conditioner

Drugstore shampoo and conditioner has a number of advantages over its salon counterpart. Perhaps the biggest one is price; drugstore products are typically much less expensive than salon brands, making them more budget-friendly for everyday use. In addition, drugstore shampoos and conditioners come in a wide variety of formulas for different hair types, so you're sure to find one that meets your needs.

Drugstore shampoo and conditioner has a number of advantages over its salon counterpart. Drugstore products are typically much less expensive than salon brands. 

Of course, there are also some drawbacks to using drugstore shampoo and conditioner. One is that these products can sometimes contain lower-quality ingredients than salon brands, which can make them less effective at cleansing and conditioning your hair.

So What is A Girl to Do?

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use drugstore or salon shampoo and conditioner comes down to a matter of personal preference. If you're looking for the highest-quality ingredients and maximum effectiveness, you may want to go with salon products. However, if you're working with a tight budget or simply don't need the extra bells and whistles that come with salon products, drugstore options will do the trick just fine. Whichever route you choose, just be sure to use a product that's formulated for your specific hair type to get the best results.

These days there are some great drugstore shampoos and conditioners on the market that rival some of the top salon brands. If you are looking to check out which ones we recommend for your hair type and needs, just click on the pink buttons below to see all of our top picks!